How it started...

Orgullo Coffee was launched in the summer of 2022 in NYC.

Marco and Brigid were everyday coffee drinkers, buying what was the cheapest in the aisle. However, after getting a taste of Honduran coffee, the quality was unmistakable. Their usual wasn’t going to cut it anymore. They tried to find Honduran coffee at local stores and coffee shops, but that proved to be an impossible task. 

They were both ready for more than the corporate grind and this was a perfect opportunity to combine their skills and passions to create something together.

After moving from NYC to Austin in late 2022, Orgullo Coffee has continued to flourish and Brigid and Marco are part of every aspect of the company. 

Orgullo means “pride" in Spanish and we’re proud to embark on this adventure with you.

1st gen Honduran-American & Woman owned

Orgullo Coffee was founded by Marco and Brigid. Marco is a 1st generation Honduran-American and former DACA recipient. Brigid is a true born-and-bred New Yorker from Brooklyn, NY. They met in college in 2013 and got married in 2019.

Deep roots

Marco was was born in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, and came to the U.S. at age 11. Without realizing it, coffee has always been part of Marco’s roots as his great-grandfather was a coffee farmer.

Becoming a coffee drinker has coincidently reconnected Marco back to his roots.

Highlighting Honduran coffee

Honduras is the #1 largest per capita coffee producer in the world. #3 in Latin America behind Brazil and Colombia. Yet, Honduran coffee doesn't get the name recognition it deserves. Instead, it gets blended with beans from other origins.

We're here to change that by highlighting the exceptional quality and flavors of Honduran coffee.

Learn more
  • Drinkability

    Coffee tastes are unique to each person and we carefully curate our roster with this in mind. Our coffees must be versatile and taste good however our clients brew them. 

  • Accessibility

    We got into the coffee industry because we couldn’t find Honduran coffee anywhere. We’re on a mission to make it accessible to as many coffee drinkers everywhere.

  • Supporting small farmers

    Roughly 95% of Honduran coffee comes from small family-owned farms. Sustainability is top priority for these farmers and in turn we prioritize buying their coffee.

  • Brigid's coffee facts

    • Hot or Cold: Cold 
    • Cups a day: The limit does not exist
    • Favorite coffee drink: Cold brew
    • Fun fact: I did competitive Irish dance growing up and I'm currently studying to become a certified teacher!
  • Marco's coffee facts

    • Hot or Cold: Hot 
    • Cups a day: 2-3 (big ones though!)
    • Favorite coffee drink: Cafe con leche
    • Fun fact: I lived in NYC for 11 years and never went to a Broadway show